2400July 07, 2022
ASCRS Says Advocacy Work Leads to Victory for Cataract Patients, SurgeonsFor the past year, the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) has been advocating on behalf of its members and cataract surgery patients to remove a policy put in place by Aetna that required preauthorization for cataract surgery.
6315March 15, 2022
In Light of Preventing Posterior Capsule Opacification in Pediatric Cataract SurgeryCataract in childhood is the most important cause of visual impairment and blindness. Lack of vision in early years of life can adversely affect the overall development of the child with far reaching effects on personal, educational, occupational,
3112March 07, 2022
Management of the Dislocated Lens With New TechniquesIn present times, cataract surgery has improved to such an extent that complications rarely occur. However, even after successful implantation of the intraocular lens (IOL), we may encounter IOL decentration or dislocation in some patients.
6808February 25, 2022
Cataracts & Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) The ocular surface disease worsens most often after cataract surgery, multiple factors can contribute including transection of corneal nerves leading to loss of corneal sensations and impaired healing, damage to the corneal epithelium due to intense
2288February 22, 2022
Endophthalmitis Risk After Cataract Surgery Endophthalmitis is a devastating complication that can occur after any ocular surgery. It has been associated with both intraocular and extraocular procedures.
2132February 17, 2022
Cataract Surgery & Dementia Researchers found that participants who underwent cataract removal surgery had nearly 30% lower risk of developing dementia compared with participants without surgery, even after controlling for numerous additional demographic and health risks.
3364February 14, 2022
Complex Corneas – Cataract Surgery & IOL Selection for Already Aberrated Cornea The emergence of refractive cataract surgery has changed the approach to cataract surgery dramatically. Beyond visual rehabilitation, patients and surgeons both desire to minimize spectacle dependence after surgery, with reproducibly successful outcomes
3092February 03, 2022
Clinical Safety of Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia & Cataract SurgeryCataract surgery is an ophthalmic surgery typically performed under local anesthesia. Minimally invasive phacoemulsification is a widely performed surgery and uses topical or sub-Tenon’s anesthesia.
2364January 10, 2022
Cataract Surgery & AstigmatismAstigmatism is a condition that prevents the eye from consistently focusing light in all directions. This highly common condition is induced by an abnormal curvature of the lens or the eye itself, resulting in more of a football shape instead of a
2357December 29, 2021
Cornea - Cataract Surgery & Intraoperative OCTIntraoperative optical coherence tomography (iOCT) is a noninvasive imaging modality that provides a real-time dynamic feedback of the various surgical steps.
1867December 11, 2021
Cataract Surgery SafetyThe main purpose of cataract surgery with phacoemulsification is to surgically remove the lens that develops cataract and thus to achieve the best visual acuity and to maintain visual function with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).
1864December 03, 2021
Cataract Surgery for Children & The Role of Femtosecond Laser Congenital cataracts and childhood cataracts are not very common. However, in the event that a child or infant has cataracts, it is not easy to predict how much their vision will be improved after the treatment.
2612November 30, 2021
3D Cataract SurgeryThe benefits of 3D visualization in cataract surgery include improved ergonomics, high magnification optics, digital guidance systems that can be implemented in association with it, as well as collaboration with colleagues and educating residents and fell
1984November 26, 2021
In light of Improving Clinical Outcomes For Dense Cataracts Lens fragmentation of a dense cataract requires a lot more phaco energy to emulsify the hard nucleus. More energy increases the risk of damage to corneal endothelial cells, which in turn can cause postoperative complications.
1968November 22, 2021
Ocular Surface Disease Evaluation Before Cataract Surgery An impaired ocular surface adversely affects preoperative planning for cataract surgery, including intraocular lens (IOL) calculations, toric IOL axis and magnitude estimates, keratometry, and topography measurements. It also increases surgical difficulty
2151November 17, 2021
Phacoemulsification With or Without Ultrasound Ciliary Plasty in Coexisting Cataract and Open-Angle GlaucomaCataract and glaucoma are leading causes of blindness all over the world (51 and 8%, respectively), that frequently coexist in the same eye.
2612November 05, 2021
Suprachoroidal Hemorrhages During Cataract Surgery Suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH) is a rare but devastating complication associated with incisional intraocular surgery as well as trauma. Characterized as a sudden and rapid accumulation of blood within the suprachoroidal space
2213November 01, 2021
Anterior Subcapsular Cataract SurgeryAnterior subcapsular cataracts (ASC) form after anterior lens epithelial cells become necrotic from a variety of causes including iritis, keratitis, inflammation associated with atopic dermatitis, irradiation, or electrical burns.
2155October 24, 2021
CATARACT SURGERY - What If The SARS-CoV-2 Is Present in the Anterior Chamber?The Covid pandemic has profoundly changed the practice of ophthalmology. The availability of vaccines has greatly decreased the risk for infection in a large proportion of individuals in the United States, with 45.4% of the population having been fully
1923October 18, 2021
Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract SurgeryFemtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) is a recent development in the history of cataract surgery.
2156October 13, 2021
IOL Calculations & Radial Keratotomy Calculating the intraocular lens (IOL) power in eyes with prior corneal refractive surgery is still a challenging task for all ophthalmologists.
2906October 04, 2021
J&J Vision’s Next-Generation Phacoemulsification Machine “The VERITAS Vision System” The VERITAS Vision System is a modular ophthalmic microsurgical system that facilitates anterior segment (i.e., cataract) ophthalmic surgery. The modular design allows the users to configure the system to meet their surgical requirements.
2680September 21, 2021
The ESCRS 2021 Will Witness The Launch Of Golden Ratio in Trifocal IOL Technology By VSY Biotechnology in Amsterdam, October 8-11 In light of its latest technology designed to provide patients with a high level of visual quality at near, far, and everywhere in between even at daily challenging light conditions; The concept of “Golden Ratio in IOL Technology” with its Acriva
2366September 12, 2021
Aetna policy change requires preapproval for cataract surgeriesAetna began requiring that healthcare providers get preapproval for all cataract surgeries on July 1.
3330September 10, 2021
World Lens Manufacturer Giant J&J is granted access by Health CanadaJohnson & Johnson Vision, the eye health subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies, announced in a press release that its brand-new ACUVUE® Abiliti™ 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses targeting myopia management in children have received green
3766September 07, 2021
Single-Use Cataract Surgery Instruments & TASS Syndrome Given the technological developments in ophthalmic surgery, more intricate and precise surgical instruments are needed, especially micro-instruments, which are slimmer, more delicate, and precise.
2172September 01, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Diseased CorneasPreexisting corneal disease can be exacerbated by cataract surgery and may prevent well-tolerated cataract extraction. The corneal epithelial, stromal and endothelial disease may impact and be impacted by cataract surgery.
3101August 18, 2021
Metrovision Receives FDA Clearance for MonPackONE for Vision ElectrophysiologyMetrovision Receives FDA Clearance for MonPackONE for Vision Electrophysiology
PÉRENCHIES, France – Metrovision SAS, received FDA clearance for its MonPackONE Vision Monitor for vision electrophysiology applications including ganzfeld flash ERG and VEP,
2724August 10, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Iris Fixation IOL TechniqueIn the absence of capsular support, the ophthalmic surgeon is faced with a number of choices for implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL). Myriad techniques have been described for fixation of an IOL either to the iris or the sclera in the ciliary...
3033August 10, 2021
The New PENTACAM AXL Wave for Refractive Cataract SurgeryBY THOMAS KOHNEN, MD, PHD, FEBO, — Given the high expectations of today’s cataract surgery patients to achieve excellent vision at all distances, we are now tasked with providing refractive precision as the standard of care.
2586August 08, 2021
What’s Hot In Social Media & OphthalmologyA round-up of the eye related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks.
2823August 06, 2021
Laser Cataract SurgeryThere are three steps within cataract surgery in which laser technology can offer a superior technique to the use of conventional hand-held tools.
The Corneal Incision
During cataract surgery, doctors make an incision into the cornea in order to access,
2215August 03, 2021
Robotic Cataract SurgeryA fully automated robotic cataract surgery platform that extracts the nucleus and cortical materials has been successfully tested in pig eyes and could enter human trials soon.
The device uses a complete preoperative OCT scan to construct a model of the
3077July 24, 2021
How To Manage Iris Prolapse During Cataract SurgeryIris prolapse is not an uncommon occurrence during cataract surgery. It usually occurs through the main incision during hydrodissection and is commonly associated with floppy-iris syndrome; however, it can manifest in cases with no known predisposition
2564July 19, 2021
Not Only In Older Populations – Younger People Get Cataracts TooIt’s a common misconception that cataracts only affect the elderly. While it’s true that most cataracts occur because of aging, it’s not the only reason that cataracts can develop.
Many people start developing cataracts as young as age 40. However,
2247July 16, 2021
The Link Between Cataracts & Bariatric SurgeryWeight-loss surgery can trim waistlines, and new research suggests it could also protect aging eyes.
The study found that after bariatric (weight-loss) surgery, a person’s odds for cataracts can drop significantly, especially among younger patients.
2512July 15, 2021
1 in 4 Cataract Sufferers Are Likely to Get Surgery, J&J Vision Global Eye Health Survey RevealsJohnson & Johnson Vision announced study results revealing that only 21 percent of people diagnosed with cataracts (or who have cataract symptoms) are very likely to have surgery, meaning that the remaining majority (79 percent) are putting their
2870July 14, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Retinal PathologyUnderstanding any structural abnormalities or pathology prior to cataract surgery is imperative.
Not all pathology is a contraindication to surgery, but it is critical to evaluate all findings to determine the patient’s visual potential with cataract
3033July 13, 2021
Cataract Surgery & DiabetesDiabetes mellitus is a disease of elevated blood sugar due to insufficient production (type 1) or action (type 2) of insulin. Type 1 diabetes requires insulin injections, whereas type 2 is managed with diet, exercise, tablets or insulin injections,
2776July 10, 2021
Diagnosing Irregularities In The Corneal Surface Before Cataract SurgeryBetter comfort, better high-contrast sensitivity (eg, Snellen chart) and quality of vision (less shadow vision, glare, or halos), and less fluctuation of vision are among the reasons to treat corneal surface irregularities in all patients, even in those
3122July 06, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Neurolept AnesthesiaNeurolept anesthesia is a technique of general anesthesia based on intravenous administration of neuroleptic drugs, together with inhalation of a weak anesthetic with or without neuromuscular relaxants.
2636July 05, 2021
Cataract Surgery & ZEPTODespite the appeal of an automated method of creating a perfectly circular anterior capsulotomy, global adoption of femtosecond laser capsulotomy (FSLC) has been limited by its high acquisition and per case cost.
In addition, the femtosecond laser’s
2983June 25, 2021
TECNIS Synergy – Toric II PC-IOLS Available Now In North America For Cataract PatientsJohnson & Johnson Vision Brings TECNIS Synergy And TECNIS Synergy Toric II PC-IOLS To North America For Cataract Patients
The next-generation presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens (PC-IOL)offers cataract patients the widest range of continuous vision
2114June 12, 2021
The Sharp Health Companion App & Cataract PatientsApps Changing How The Healthcare Industry Works.
The growth of new healthcare applications in the market was inevitable. These technologies have enabled patients and medical professionals to communicate in a more efficient manner.
2740June 11, 2021
Cataracts Patients with Astigmatism – A Next-Generation Monofocal Intraocular Lens From Johnson & Johnson VisionJohnson & Johnson Vision Announces Launch of TECNIS Eyhance™ Toric II IOL with TECNIS Simplicity™ Delivery System, a Next-Generation Monofocal Intraocular Lens for Cataracts Patients with Astigmatism, in Europe
2227June 07, 2021
Diabetic Retinopathy & Cataract SurgeryCataracts and diabetic retinopathy (DR) are the leading causes of acquired blindness worldwide, which is further compounded by the fact that patients with diabetes have an increased risk of developing cataracts.
3213June 07, 2021
Enova® is Available Now in C Haptic Model – VSY Biotechnology GmbHThe launch of “ Enova – C Haptic Model IOL” has recently been announced by VSY Biotechnology GmbH.
Enova, the first and only 100% glistening-free, dry-packed hydrophobic acrylic IOL, requires no warming or special conditioning before surgery.
2045June 03, 2021
Cataracts With Unusual Corneas & Light-Adjustable IOLsLight Adjustable Intraocular lens (LAL) are the only lens that allows post operative titrations in IOL power after the eye has healed and secured refractive stability post cataract surgery, facilitating customization an optimization of lens to achieve the
2514June 02, 2021
Covid-19 & Cataract Surgery – PatientsIn light of dealing with Covid-19 and thinking more effectively about the details of eye care, in every sense of the word, there is still too much work to do.
The ongoing fallout from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in
2208June 01, 2021
Cataract Surgery – Dry Eye Disease & A Poor Tear FilmThe integrity of the ocular surface plays an important role in the success of cataract and refractive surgery. Treatment of dry eye disease (DED) is becoming an integral part of primary eye care, and optometrists are poised perfectly to initiate treatment
2244May 30, 2021
The CapsulotomyCapsulotomy is a type of eye surgery in which an incision is made into the capsule of the crystalline lens of the eye. In modern cataract operations, the lens capsule is usually not removed.
The most common forms of cataract surgery remove nearly all of
5339May 25, 2021
Cataract Surgery & SedationCataract surgery is performed almost exclusively as an outpatient procedure. It usually involves the administration of a local anesthetic in addition to systemic sedation administered by an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist.
3569May 22, 2021
The Biochemistry & Biophysics of Cataract FormationCataracts progress in stages, but the development of the condition depends on age, exposure to UV experienced over a lifetime, genetic factors and some lifestyle factors, such as smoking, high alcohol consumption or nutritional deficiencies.
May 17, 2021
Intraocular Lens Manufacturing – State of the ArtThe human eye functions to provide vision by transmitting and focusing light through a clear outer portion called the cornea, and further refining the focus of the image onto a retina by way of a crystalline lens.
The quality of the focused image depends
5624May 13, 2021
What Is The Best Lens For Your Cataract Surgery?Cataract surgery— One of the most important decisions you will have to make when it comes to cataract surgery is selecting an IOL. IOL is short for “intraocular lens”. Cataract surgery involves removing the eye’s clouded lens and replacing it with a clear
2376January 22, 2021
Fuchs’ Dystrophy & CataractsFuchs’ dystrophy is a disease of the cornea. It is when cells in the corneal layer called the endothelium gradually die off.
These cells normally pump fluid from the cornea to keep it clear. When they die, fluid builds up and the cornea gets swollen...
2186October 30, 2020
UN adopts first resolution on vision, aims to help 1 billionUNITED NATIONS — The U.N. General Assembly approved its first-ever resolution on vision Friday, calling on its 193 member nations to ensure access to eye care for everyone in their countries which would contribute to a global effort to help at least 1.1 b
1758September 12, 2022
The Link Between Cataracts & Dementia DevelopmentA 2022 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that removing cataracts was “significantly associated with a lower risk of dementia development.”
2035September 05, 2022
In Light of Discussing The Role of Medical Staff in Cataract SurgeryCataract may be present at birth (hereditary) or it may be acquired throughout life. It is associated with trauma, systemic disease such as diabetes, drugs such as steroids, ocular disease, or heredity.
2196August 26, 2022
Dealing with Complex Pathology in Cataract SurgeryAlthough cataract surgery almost always goes smoothly, the fact that it’s performed on millions of individuals every year guarantees that any cataract surgeon will encounter plenty of challenging cases over time.
1799August 24, 2022
Management of Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage during Cataract SurgerySuprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH) is one of the most frightening and devastating complications of ophthalmic surgeries.
2024August 22, 2022
The Connection Between Cataracts & Macular Degeneration Cataracts and age-related macular degeneration are common eye conditions that can affect older people at the same time. A common question is whether cataract surgery affects the development or progression of AMD.
3761August 19, 2022
Subcapsular CataractAnterior subcapsular cataract lies directly under the lens capsule and is associated with fibrous metaplasia of the lens epithelium.
2623August 17, 2022
Pre–Existing Retinal Pathology in Preoperative Cataract Surgery PatientsOptical coherence tomography is a valuable technique in retinal evaluation of prospective cataract surgery patients.
1958August 12, 2022
The Use Eye Drops for Cataract Surgery Eye drops are specifically used to protect the eyes from infection, soothe itching, relieve redness and reduce the inflammation associated with the healing process.
1718August 08, 2022
The Surgical Management of Vitreous OpacitiesSymptomatic vitreous opacities are increasingly recognized as a significant burden to patient well-being. There is growing interest in the use of vitrectomy or laser treatment to address these problems.
1631August 05, 2022
Posterior Capsular Opacification in Preschool- and School-Age PatientsDespite substantial improvements in cataract surgery techniques and intraocular lenses (IOLs), posterior capsular opacification (PCO) continues to be the most frequent postoperative complication of pediatric cataract surgery.
2406August 03, 2022
Intraocular lens power calculation after radial keratotomyThe challenge of calculating the appropriate intraocular lens (IOL)power after previous refractive surgery such as radial keratotomy (RK)or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) remained unresolved forthe past two decades.
1455August 02, 2022
Removing opioid prescriptions from cataract surgery Although the benefits of sustained-release dexamethasone go well beyond their eliminating need for opioid medications after cataract surgery, avoiding opioids is still a strong and important reason surgeons should consider embracing use of the insert.
1859July 29, 2022
The Effectiveness of low-concentration nitrous oxide anesthesia in cataract surgery Low-concentration N2O anesthesia may not cause respiratory depression, abnormal vital signs, or nausea in cataract surgery. It can suppress intraoperative anxiety and memory and decrease and stabilize vital signs.
2839July 27, 2022
The New Techniques for Managing the Dislocated LensDislocated intraocular lens (IOL) is a rare, yet serious complication whereby the intraocular lens moves out of its normal position in the eye. IOL dislocation has been reported at a rate of 0.2% to 3%.
July 25, 2022
Endophthalmitis Risk Can Increase After Cataract Surgery The risk factors for development of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery have been identified as complex cataract procedures, the performance of simultaneous vitreous procedures, a history of diabetic macular edema or proliferative diabetic retinopathy,
1353July 25, 2022
Cataract Surgery May Protect Against DementiaResearch shows a link between vision loss and dementia. Recent research has noted a link between age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, or diabetes-related eye disease and dementia.
1763July 20, 2022
Association of Cataract Surgery With Risk of Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy can be broadly divided into two categories: background diabetic retinopathy and proliferative diabetic retinopathy. One of the key differentiating factors is the presence of harmful neovascularization.
1806July 19, 2022
Facilitating Role of the 3D Viewing Systems in Cataract SurgeryTraditional cataract surgery is performed with a blade, which requires tiny and delicate incisions to be made by hand. The laser cataract system utilizes an advanced, ultra-accurate femtosecond laser to improve the precision of cataract surgery.
1670July 18, 2022
Correcting Pre-existing Astigmatism in Cataract Surgery In cataract surgery, the clear corneal incision (CCI) has a small flattening effect on corneal curvature, which can be used to reduce pre-existing astigmatism (PEA).
4246July 14, 2022
Dysphotopsia Visual Symptoms Dysphotopsias are visual symptoms that some patients may notice in the first few weeks following cataract surgery. These visual symptoms typically resolve soon after surgery and rarely cause persistent problems for patients.
1450July 12, 2022
Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in Cataract Surgeries Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive imaging modality that employs the principle of low-coherence interferometry to provide an in vivo cross-sectional view of the ocular structures with micrometer resolution.
1933July 07, 2022
What is the Role of Opioids in Cataract SurgeryOpioid-naive cataract surgery patients who receive an opioid prescription within 7 days of surgery are 1.6 times more likely to be using opioids long-term than those who are not prescribed an opioid following cataract surgery.
2007July 06, 2022
How to Minimize Inflammation After Cataract SurgeryOne of the keys to a successful operation is the prevention of complications, which, although rare and ranging from mild and transient to vision-threatening, still occur in approximately 5% of patients.
2039July 05, 2022
Correct IOL Implantation in Cataract Surgery & Intraoperative Aberrometry In the past 2 decades, there has been a substantial amount of research focused on increasing the precision and accuracy of IOL selection in cataract surgery. Accuracy of optical biometry is essential to successful refractive outcomes.
2821July 04, 2022
Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS)Toxic anterior segment syndrome (TASS) is a severe, acute, sterile intraocular inflammation that occurs the same day or in the early stages after intraocular surgery. It has been most commonly reported after phacoemulsification, keratoplasty, and less...
2652June 29, 2022
Discussion About Phacoemulsification With or Without Ultrasound Ciliary Plasty in Coexisting Cataract and Open-Angle GlaucomaGlaucoma treatment mainly aims to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP), which is the principal risk factor, in order to slow the progress of the disease and preserve the remaining visual acuity, visual function and quality of life at a reasonable cost.
1969June 24, 2022
Dealing with Suprachoroidal Hemorrhages During Cataract Surgery Suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH) is one of the most frightening and devastating complications of ophthalmic surgeries. It occurs as a result of rapid blood accumulation in the suprachoroidal space due to increased tension and rupture of the posterior cilia
1781June 16, 2022
Cataract Surgery in Patients with Ocular Surface DiseaseDetection of ocular surface disease prior to cataract surgery provides an opportunity to improve the surface health before proceeding with surgery. History constitutes a crucial element in the diagnosis of patients with dry eyes or “dysfunctional tear syn
2102June 15, 2022
Discussing The Safety of Cataract SurgeryAll surgery entails risk. Fortunately, with favorable outcomes at approximately 98%, cataract surgery is highly successful. There is still potential for serious complications, however, some of which can result in pain, permanent loss of vision, or even lo
1875June 14, 2022
The Future of Robotic Cataract SurgeryOphthalmic surgery has made huge leaps in the last few decades. Phacoemulsification with insertion of intra-ocular lens has revolutionized cataract surgery.
1701May 31, 2022
Cataract Surgery & Diabetic RetinopathySome studies have reported that cataract surgery when performed in diabetic patients may lead to relatively rapid progression of DR, precipitate vitreous hemorrhage, induce iris neovascularization, and ultimately lead to decrease or loss of vision.
2551May 23, 2022
How to Manage Irregular Astigmatism in Cataract Surgery Toric lenses currently have the most predictable results, are the most cost-effective in the long term, can correct the highest amounts of astigmatism and are relatively easy to use.
6725May 18, 2022
Sedation in Cataract Surgery Cataract surgery patients often wonder if they will be sedated for the procedure. Most cataract surgeries are performed under a local anesthetic.
3837May 16, 2022
Phakic IOL ImplantationLenses that are implanted into the eye to correct vision without taking out the natural lens are called phakic intraocular lenses (PIOLs). PIOLs are made of clear synthetic plastic.
1986May 12, 2022
Cataract Surgery - Vitreous Opacities & Retroillumination TechniquesCataract surgery in the presence of vitreous opacities, such as in vitreous hemorrhage or endophthalmitis, is often combined with pars plana vitrectomy. Even so, the cataract surgery is often very challenging due to the absence of the red reflex.
1820May 09, 2022
Combining Diagnostic Data to the OR in Cataract SurgeryCataracts develop when proteins accumulate in the lens, eventually resulting in cloudiness and decreased vision. This occurs naturally as one ages, and may be exacerbated through trauma, radiation, medications, and systemic diseases.
2831April 01, 2022
In Light of Understanding A New Player in Cataract Surgery - Extended Depth-of-Field LensesExtended depth-of-focus (EDOF) is a new intraocular lens (IOL) technology in the treatment of presbyopia. In contrast to multifocal (MF) IOLs, EDOF lenses create a single elongated focal point, rather than several foci, to enhance depth of focus.
2101February 14, 2022
Cataract Surgery in Complex PathologyModern cataract surgery provides a high level of efficacy and safety, incorporating numerous technological innovations, such as femtosecond laser technology or 3D visualization, as well as advances in intraocular lens (IOL) technology with the development
1558January 24, 2022
The Role of Opioids in Cataract SurgeryCataracts are a leading cause of preventable blindness globally. Although care varies between developing and industrialized countries, surgery is the single effective approach to treating cataracts.
1576January 05, 2022
Cataract Surgery & Glaucoma Filtration ProceduresCataract and glaucoma are the leading causes of blindness worldwide. The prevalence of both diseases is increasing with aging population. Techniques for cataract surgery have undergone significant refinements with excellent visual outcomes.
1861December 31, 2021
Association Between Cataract Extraction and Development of DementiaResearchers Find Evidence That Cataract Surgery May Lower Risk of Developing Dementia.
2527November 29, 2021
Dysphotopsia & Cataract SurgeryDysphotopsia is one of the most under-recognized complications following otherwise unremarkable cataract surgery.
2843November 13, 2021
Cataract Surgery – Glaucoma & Combining Laser With MIGSThe glaucoma surgical landscape has significantly changed in recent years. The conventional treatment paradigm began with hypotensive drops, laser surgery and traditional filtering surgery such as tube shunts and trabeculectomies.
1888November 10, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Fuchs’ Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy (FECD)Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD) is the most common indication for corneal transplantation around the world, comprising 39% of all transplant operations.
2279October 26, 2021
Clinically significant cataract linked to increased risk of vascular deathClinically significant cataract is associated with an increased risk of death from vascular causes, such as stroke and heart attack, suggests research published online in the British Journal of Ophthalmology.
2316October 01, 2021
Crystalens & Cataract Surgery The Crystalens is an FDA-approved intraocular lens for the visual correction of adults with cataracts (clouding of the eye's natural lens secondary to age) with or without presbyopia, or lenses that have aged or become more rigid.
2982September 27, 2021
Goniotomy and Cataract SurgeryWhile the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS) provided a guiding principle for patient care, it left ophthalmologists with a lot to think about.
1638September 22, 2021
The 39th Congress of the ESCRS | Amsterdam 8 - 11 October 2021The 39th Congress of the ESCRS is planned to take place live in Amsterdam in a face-to-face format with limited seats available, ensuring a safe event. The confirmed dates at the RAI Congress Centre in Amsterdam are: 8 – 11 October 2021.
2372August 28, 2021
Ophthalmology Specialty & Cataract Surgery Training Ophthalmologists are physicians specializing in the comprehensive medical and surgical care of the eyes and vision.
2466August 19, 2021
Dexamethasone Intraocular Suspension In Cataract SurgeryCataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure worldwide. Despite the availability of new technologies and enhanced surgical techniques, inflammation-related complications after even uneventful cataract procedures remain the most
2851May 17, 2021
2154January 20, 2021
Cataract Surgery Prolongs LifePeople who underwent cataract surgery were more likely to be alive 10 years later, compared with those who continued to have vision problems. It’s possible that this surgery may improve physical and emotional well-being, contributing to the longer life...
3950January 01, 2021
A New Post-Cataract Surgery Antibiotic/Steroid – Ducressa®Santen Pharmaceutical is one of the world’s leading specialist ophthalmic pharmaceutical companies, founded in Japan over a century ago and now serving patients all over the world.
Santen EMEA has recently announced the launch of Ducressa®, a fixed...
3676October 03, 2022
What Are the Main Cataract Surgery ComplicationsComplications can range from immediate to delayed complications following the procedure. Some immediate complications are a result of having the surgical procedure.
3479September 26, 2022
Light Adjustable Intraocular Lenses for CataractsA Light Adjustable Intraocular Lens is a special type of IOL that is usually placed on the eye following cataract surgery. As the name suggests, this type of IOL can be customized using UV light treatments.
2373September 19, 2022
How Cataract Surgery Evolved in TimeThe normal crystalline lens of the eye is a clear structure suspended in its natural position by zonular fibers from the ciliary body.
1491September 08, 2022
Risk Factors for Developing Endophthalmitis After Cataract SurgeryThe prevalence of postprocedural endophthalmitis has increased in recent years, due in part to a wider range of indications for ophthalmic procedures, better access to treatments and therefore an increase in the overall number of surgical interventions...
2192September 02, 2022
Corneal Surface Irregularities & Cataract Surgery The process of getting a patient with an irregular cornea to the visual correction step of their journey can take a lot of different routes and is determined on an individual basis.
1564September 01, 2022
Iris Fixation IOL Technique in Cataract SurgeryOptions for intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in the absence of capsular support include anterior chamber IOLs, iris-fixated IOLs, and scleral-fixated IOLs.
1405August 29, 2022
Understanding the Benefits of Laser Cataract SurgeryIn laser cataract surgery, a laser is used to make the incision and lens opening and to fragment the lens.
1622August 25, 2022
Selection of IOL In Refractive Cataract Surgery Refractive accuracy in cataract surgery is increasingly important. Patients expect to obtain excellent visual acuity and quality after surgery, and the margin for error is narrowing.
1829August 23, 2022
The Surgical Accuracy and Efficiency with Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract SurgeryFemtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) can improve surgical accuracy and efficiency by standardizing corneal incisions and improving centration, circularity, and intended diameter of the capsulotomy.
1503August 18, 2022
The Benefits of Photodynamic Therapy Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), introduced to ophthalmology in 2000, is a therapeutic procedure which utilizes the photosensitive intravenous drug, verteporfin (Visudyne, Bausch & Lomb) in combination with a low power, long duration infrared laser.
1897August 15, 2022
Pre-operative IOP Hints After Cataract SurgeryThe phenomenon of elevated IOP following cataract surgery has been documented since the 1950s. In 1976, a review of 630 cases of cataract extraction with lens implants concluded that elevated IOP was transient and benign.
1258August 15, 2022
Tips For Cataract Surgeons Cataract surgery is a quick, painless eye surgery to remove a cloudy lens that is causing vision problems.
2205August 11, 2022
All About Refractive Surgery Refractive surgery is an increasingly popular procedure for decreasing spectacle or contact lens dependency. The two most common surgical techniques to correct myopia are photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and femtosecond laser-assisted.
1477August 10, 2022
Dealing with Cataract Prophylaxis Acute-onset postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery remains a rare but important cause of visual loss. There is no global consensus regarding the optimal strategies for prophylaxis of endophthalmitis and practices vary substantially.
1749August 04, 2022
My Algorithm for Cataract and Glaucoma PatientsAI algorithms applied to fundus photographs for screening purposes may provide good results using a simple and widely accessible test. However, for patients who are likely to have glaucoma more sophisticated methods should be used including data from OCT
1837July 28, 2022
3D Visualization in Cataract SurgeryThe technological advances made in recent years have led to an increase in the number of microsurgeries performed across different surgical specialties.
1697July 26, 2022
Cataract Surgery in Complex Corneas A complex cornea not only affects the timing of cataract surgery, it can also have an impact on the accuracy of IOL calculations as well as the lens selection — some patients will not be a candidate for the available premium technology.
2068July 25, 2022
Cataract Surgery in Complex Anterior Segment Pathology Corneal disease is one of the most common co-existing conditions that can interact negatively with cataract surgery.
1679July 22, 2022
The Role of Statin Drugs Causing CataractsRecent studies have shown that statin drugs may significantly increase the risk of developing cataracts. Researchers at the San Antonio Military Medical Center in Texas conducted a study that included 6,972 pairs of statin users and non-statin users.
1510July 21, 2022
Techniques for Combined Cataract and Filtering Glaucoma SurgeryThe decision for a combined procedure may be initiated by a need for cataract surgery or by a need for a filtration procedure.
1697July 07, 2022
Astigmatism Correction at the Time of Cataract SurgeryToric lenses currently have the most predictable results, are the most cost-effective in the long term, can correct the highest amounts of astigmatism and are relatively easy to use.
2347July 01, 2022
How To Deal With Dense Cataracts Removing hard cataracts can be difficult even for the most experienced cataract surgeons. Patients are typically older, with low visual acuity and coexisting ocular pathologies.
1901June 28, 2022
Cataract Surgery & IOL Placement in Patients With Fuchs Corneal DystrophyOphthalmologists performing cataract surgery on patients with FECD must carefully consider the risks of endothelial cell loss during surgery and minimize the risk of corneal decompensation after surgery.
1349June 27, 2022
In Light of Adding MIGS to Cataract SurgeryModern cataract surgery is an extraordinarily successful operation with low rates of complications. New surgical techniques and technologies, including the introduction of the femtosecond laser and the continual refinement of phacoemulsification.
1834June 21, 2022
Cataract Surgery Training in OphthalmologyFor a long time, training in ophthalmic surgery was based on Halsted's methodology. In this type of teaching, the resident should: have intense and repetitive opportunities to care for patients under the supervision of a qualified surgeon;
1784June 13, 2022
The Future of Cataract SurgeryCataract surgery is a modern-day miracle. Since 1995, more than 500 million cataract procedures have been performed worldwide, and about 130 million living people are benefiting from this miracle procedure today.
2770June 07, 2022
In light of Correcting Astigmatism During Cataract SurgeryAstigmatism is a condition that prevents the eye from consistently focusing light in all directions.This highly common condition is induced by an abnormal curvature of the lens or the eye itself, resulting in more of a football shape instead of a baseball
1506June 06, 2022
Good Nutrition & CataractsCataract is defined as any visible opacity within the otherwise clear crystalline lens of the eye. Cataract can be further classified as cortical, nuclear, or posterior sub-capsular, depending on the anatomical location of the opacity.
2349June 02, 2022
The Effect of Protein Imbalance & CataractsThe cells in the lens consist of a highly concentrated protein solution that is normally clear. When the balance of the proteins in the lens is destroyed, they clump together and the lens becomes cloudy. This results in the condition known as cataracts.
1944May 30, 2022
The CapsulotomyA capsulotomy is a surgical procedure used to treat posterior calcium opacification or PCO, a complication caused by cataract extraction surgery. It is one of the more advanced laser-based techniques used in cataract treatment.
2033May 26, 2022
The Complex Biochemistry Behind Cataract FormationOver our lifetimes they can accumulate damage, losing their native structure and fusing together to form aggregates – ultimately leading to the development of cataracts. But how does this happen – and how can we prevent the process?
1652May 05, 2022
Cataract Cryoextraction - Tadeusz KrwawiczCataract surgery is one of the most frequently performed operations in the world. Recent advances in techniques and instrumentation have resulted in earlier intervention, improved surgical outcomes, and reduced dependence on spectacles.
1625April 11, 2022
Keratoconus & PMD Patient With CataractKeratoconus (KCN) is a condition of the cornea typically resulting in asymmetric thinning and steepening of the cornea, often leading to irregular astigmatism and resultant decreased visual acuity.
1814March 21, 2022
Vitreous Opacities During Cataract Surgery The vitreous body is a transparent, extracellular gel, with a complicated structural framework of collagen, soluble proteins, hyaluronic acid, and a water content of 99%.
1698March 14, 2022
What To Do With Waste in Cataract Surgery & Lowering the Carbon Footprint of Clinical Practices A strong consensus exists among cataract surgeons and nurses that surgical waste is excessive and is driven by unnecessarily rigid regulation, product liability concerns, and manufacturers’ profit incentive.
2437February 09, 2022
Can Statin Drugs Cause Cataracts?Statins are a class of lipid-altering drugs that revolutionized hypercholesterolemia treatment and aid in primary and secondary cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention.
2082January 31, 2022
Cataract Surgery - Preop IOP hints & Elevated Post Surgery IOPThe concurrence of glaucoma and cataracts, coupled with the fact that the only known modifiable risk factor in glaucoma management is IOP, has heightened interest in the effect of cataract surgery on IOP.
1884January 18, 2022
Cataracts to Macular Degeneration | Age-Related Eye Problems and TreatmentCataracts are a normal phenomenon, resulting from the aging process of the eye and affecting everyone, without exception. They occur when the lens of the eye gradually loses its transparency, like a window that gets dirty with the seasons.
2357December 29, 2021
Diabetic Retinopathy & Cataract SurgeryCompared to non-diabetic patients, outcome after cataract surgery was reported to be worse in diabetic patients--especially in those with diabetic retinopathy.
2020December 25, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Its FutureMany people develop cataracts in addition to presbyopia as we age. A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural crystalline lens, creating blurriness that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
1576December 20, 2021
Pre-existing Astigmatism & Cataract SurgeryIrregular astigmatism occurs when the angle between the axis of maximum curvature and minimum curvature is not a right angle or when the curvature of a refractive surface is not axially symmetric, and often cannot be corrected with spectacles.
1888December 09, 2021
Does One Size Fit All When Picking IOL In Refractive Cataract Surgery?
1897December 06, 2021
Minimizing Inflammation After Cataract SurgerySome patients may complain of slight discomfort after cataract surgery. It may range from mild to moderate discomfort depending upon patient’s sensitivity and type of procedure used for cataract removal.
1955December 02, 2021
Refractive Cataract Surgery - Patient Needs & IOL Performance Modern multifocal IOLs can be considered as a surgical treatment not only for cataract but also for refractive purposes when implanted after clear lens extraction.
2366November 07, 2021
Cataract - Glaucoma & My Algorithm Treating glaucoma in the light of an impending cataract surgery is dependent on the patient’s current disease status – with intraocular pressure, current medication burden, and angle anatomy being the biggest features.
2560September 15, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Poor MydriasisThe maintenance of mydriasis and the control of postoperative pain and inflammation are critical to the safety and success of cataract and intraocular lens replacement surgery.
3344September 13, 2021
Intraoperative Aberrometry – Cataract Surgery & IOL Selection Intraoperative wavefront aberrometry aims to improve refractive outcomes following cataract surgery by optimizing the spherical power of the intraocular lens implant or calculating the appropriate axis and power of toric lenses during cataract surgery in
2666September 02, 2021
Cataracts & Photodynamic Therapy - Central Serous RetinopathyCentral serous chorioretinopathy is a common acquired maculopathy. Multiple studies showed that photodynamic therapy is useful treatment for acute and chronic central serous chorioretinopathy.
2605August 24, 2021
Cataracts & Floppy Iris SyndromeIntraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) occurs in 2% of cataract surgeries and is associated with an increased risk of surgical complications.
These complications can be avoided when high-risk patients are identified by preoperative screening and
4672August 17, 2021
Complications Of Cataract SurgeryCataract surgery dates back to the 1700s. With new advancements in technology, infectious disease control, and equipment, there are fewer postoperative adverse events following the procedure.
However, complications still do occur both intra and
1937August 10, 2021
Rayner Announces 1,000 IOLs Recorded on RayPRO Digital PlatformWorthing, United Kingdom. Rayner, the pioneering manufacturer of intraocular lenses for cataract and refractive surgery, announced that it has achieved the milestone figure of 1,000 intraocular lenses recorded on RayPRO, its digital patient reported outco
2572August 03, 2021
The CataRhex 3 is now available with the unique Speep Pump innovation by OertliUsing its innovative developments and high-quality products, Oertli is continuously setting new standards in cataract, vitrectomy and glaucoma surgery.
Oertli’s surgical platforms, technologies and instruments allow surgeons and OR personnel to perform
9707July 29, 2021
When eye drops or lasers are unable to adequately lower eye pressure, goniotomy can be considered. Goniotomy may allow for eye pressure control with or without the use of glaucoma medications.
For patients who
1827July 23, 2021
Refractive Cataract Patients & DED TreatmentThe development of visually symptomatic cataract is common. Cataract surgery is one of the most frequent and successful interventions currently undertaken.
Modern small-incision cataract surgery offers excellent clinical outcomes coupled with rapid...
2969July 11, 2021
Information for Cataract Patients Undergoing SurgeryThe Cataract
Your eye surgeon has recommended cataract surgery because the lens in your eye has become cloudy making it difficult for you to see well enough to carry out your usual daily activities.
If the cataract is not removed, your vision may stay th
1833July 08, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Patients With Herpetic DiseaseCataract surgery in patients with herpetic disease can pose unique challenges but, with the right planning, you can achieve great results.
Before surgery, you need to identify a “quiet window”, get your readings, and decide upon the appropriate surgical
2086July 03, 2021
Latest Refractive TechnologyWith cataract surgery regarded as the most widely performed surgical procedure, a demand exists for continued innovation and technology.
The latest advances evolved through application of well-defined principles to current surgical goals and patient
3251June 30, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Phaco Power ModulationToday, the aim of cataract surgery is not only to restore vision by removing and replacing the cataractous lens, but also to simultaneously provide instant and high-quality visual rehabilitation.
Achieving a clear cornea immediately after surgery
2602June 29, 2021
Cataract Surgery & IOL PsychologyEye surgery has been performed for over 1,000 years. Ancient Romans and Indians were performing ‘couching’ surgery on cataract-affected eyes as far back as the 5th century BC.
This surgery was extremely crude – the surgeon having to use a needle to slide
2070June 19, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Iris Prostheses
2062June 14, 2021
The Role Of Premium IOLs & Posterior Corneal ElevationPosterior corneal elevation very effectively discriminates keratoconus from normal corneas. Its efficacy is lower for subclinical keratoconus, and thus data concerning posterior elevation should not be used alone to stratify patients with this condition.
6286June 09, 2021
The Popularity of Monofocal IOLsAs cataract and refractive surgery improves, patients’ demands grow – “perfect” vision, with good near and distance focus, is now want many patients want.
Monofocal intraocular lenses are one way of achieving the best possible range of vision for patient
2687June 04, 2021
Cataract Prophylaxis, Treatment & Pharmacological ApproachesCataract surgery has become remarkably safe and effective, thanks in part to a general trend toward decreasing postoperative infections. However, retrospective clinical evidence indicates a rise in endophthalmitis following clear corneal
1837June 01, 2021
How Wine Consumption Reduces CataractsNew Study Reveals; Wine consumption may reduce Cataracts… Only Wine, Not Other Alcoholic Drinks!
The wine antioxidants play a role in cataract prevention!
People who consume alcohol moderately appear less likely to develop cataracts that require surgery
1955May 27, 2021
Relation Between Surgeon Age & Postoperative OutcomesHigh-quality surgical outcomes require sound knowledge, communication skills, clinical judgment and technical proficiency.
The effect of aging, namely cognitive impairment, decline in visual acuity and worsening motor function, may negatively affect
1923May 26, 2021
Cataract Patients – Ocular Surface & Good NutritionThe tear film is the most important refracting surface of the eye, and improving it can increase a patient’s quality of vision.
Cataract surgery deleteriously affects the ocular surface due to the neurotrophic effect of the corneal incision and the use
2776May 23, 2021
Managing Irregular Astigmatism During Cataract SurgeryAstigmatism is a common eye condition that exists when the surface of the cornea or crystalline lens is irregularly shaped. It is a form of refractive error that can be present alone or in combination with myopia and hyperopia. Its correction requires
1784May 20, 2021
Premium IOLs & Glaucoma PatientsPremium lenses – which defined as toric lenses and multifocal or extended depth of focus (EDOF) lenses – are sophisticated devices; but are they right for glaucoma patients?
The brief answer is that ideal outcomes require careful matching of IOL options
2523May 10, 2021
Astigmatism Correction During Cataract SurgeryMost of the cataract surgeons don’t routinely address astigmatism in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
Most patients’ refractive astigmatism increases after cataract surgery. That’s because preoperative corneal astigmatism is greater than manifest
3162May 10, 2021
Cataracts & Protein ImbalanceThe human eye lens exhibits many biochemical properties that are unique amongst the tissues of the body. The dual requirements of high transparency and high refractive index necessitate a high protein concentration.
2213January 22, 2021
New IOL Treatment Planner From ZubisoftZubisoft and IBRA have released a new IOL treatment planner, which is now a part of IBRA Cataract Services.
In addition to higher visual acuity, the new planner allows surgeons to achieve more accurate results. The lower rate of necessary retreatments...
2066January 22, 2021
Cataract Surgery & Dropless – Perioperative TreatmentsCataract surgery is the most commonly performed ocular surgery and one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures worldwide.
The vast majority of patients undergoing cataract surgery (99.5%) has a successful result with no serious adverse...
1902November 12, 2020
Proactive Practice Growth Strategies For Cataract SurgeonsA written strategic plan is crucial to long-term success. The plan represents intentionality—that is, the practice is not drifting from one random expedient to the next.
It is, rather, intentionally pursuing a logical, linear progression of opportuniti