In light of its latest technology designed to provide patients with a high level of visual quality at near, far, and everywhere in between even at daily challenging light conditions; The concept of “Golden Ratio in IOL Technology” with its AcrivaUD Trinova Pro C Pupil Adaptive IOL by VSY Biotechnology will be commercially available after its launch at the ESCRS 2021 in Amsterdam, October 8-11, 2021.
The AcrivaUD Trinova Pro C Pupil Adaptive lens uses patented Sinusoidal Vision Technology (SVT).
This new lens has been designed to distribute effective and efficient light energy into the near and intermediate distances while maintaining distance visual acuity due to minimized light loss in the diffraction orders.
As it is the first trifocal IOL that combines patented enhanced Sinusoidal Vision Technology (SVT) with Pupil Adaptive Design, the AcrivaUD Trinova Pro C Pupil Adaptive IOL will be available by +1.8D intermediate and +3.6D near addition dioptric powers in the IOL plane.
This new lens has completed the pre-launch phase with more than 200 successful implantations worldwide.
The comparative clinical study is still ongoing at Internationale Innovative Ophthalmochirurgie GbR (IIO), Germany, a research institute associated with the Breyer, Kaymak and Klabe Eye Clinic located in Dusseldorf, Germany.
Also, the Institute of Experimental Ophthalmologie at the Saarland University, in close collaboration with IIO, performs the optical bench tests on the lenses.
Clinical studies and optical bench tests are directed by a consortium of experts comprising Hakan Kaymak, Achim Langenbucher, Kai Neller and Hartmut Schwahn. The current study is aimed to demonstrate comparable distance vision, superior near and intermediate vision at challenging light conditions.
In light of the statement by VSY Biotechnology, the IOL easily adapts to today’s lifestyles such as; “Viewing road signs comfortably and clearly at night safely while driving, viewing mobile devices - computer screens, and reading a book comfortably even in dim light providing high quality distance vision in a range of different light conditions.”
According to VSY Biotechnology, the new lens improves the quality of life and offers a "Golden Ratio" vision experience through increasing the visual quality of the patients to the max level.